Open Hackathon Rest API V2

Rest API Overview

A swagger 2.0 compliant Rest API server for open hackathon.


Some APIs allow anonymous access, some others require a valid token. Open hackathon platform has integrated with Authing. Any web app which onboarded to Authing is able to get a valid token. A typical flow:


User is identified using the access token. Access is determined based on the user/token. Quick tips about access:

Multilingual Support

Multiple languages support is still in progress. We are aiming to support 2 languanges: English(default) and Chinese. Scopes:
To get response in a different language, add Http Header Accept-Language to your request: Headers["Accept-Language"]="zh-CN"

Error Response

Http response with a code >= 400 is considered Error. A RFC7807-compliant standard response body is retured. The response is of type ProblemDetails(code other than 400) or ValidationProblemDetails(http code 400). Example:
    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "|790eea2d-4a0d4972a27712a5.",
    "errors": {
        "maxEnrollment": [
            "The field maxEnrollment must be between 1 and 100_000."